Please update this app. Many people have already suggested some very important feedback to make your product an order of magnitude more useful.
1. Please allow the user to customize the icon for the application. Thieves work in networks and sell to fences and they know the iphone has this application. Therefore it is only useful for the first time iphone thief who got curious. People who do it all the time already know and spread the word about your rather obvious icon. Just let the user have a utiliy that can replace the icon of your program with any icon they desire.
2. Let the user put some photos in a small database belonging to the program to get the user complelled to keep the application open. Most people have no patience for dialog boxes and will open your application once. If there are some pics in there that are worth showing others you may get more chances to follow the phone around. Rather than one hit you may get a pattern of movement that helps define who might have stolen it and that might be more useful than a location. You might also get some valuable witnesses by asking people to identify the pictures they were shown and who showed them the pictures in question.
Do it and youll have a dramaticly improved project and a lot more sales.
—RR about GPS Thief Tracker -- Private-I